Tagged with couchsurfing

Ten of my top memorable moments while Backpacking and WWOOFing in Europe

Ten of my top memorable moments while Backpacking and WWOOFing in Europe

Here are a few things that reach the top of my best moments and best lessons learned while traveling via WWOOFing and backpacking. 1.) I learned how to snowboard in the effin’ French Alps. Yeah, I know, how bad ass of me. 2.) I have learned how to approach strangers fearlessly and unprotectedly. No awkward … Continue reading

Six dos and don’ts of Couchsurfing

Six dos and don’ts of Couchsurfing

This is all from my personal experience, Jessica and I have couchsurfed through six states and four countries. 6.) DON’T hit your couchsurfing host’s car with your car. This isn’t the way you want to start a conversation with your host, “Very nice to meet you, thank you so much for allowing us to stay … Continue reading

Overflow of growth (a home to a backpack)

Overflow of growth (a home to a backpack)

This journey has been remarkable so far. Imagine if you will, seeing strings of a million different shades of colors, slowing getting intertwined together to form something recognizable. That right there, is what my life has become since August 5th 2012. That day Jessica, my fiancée, and I made the decision to do more, see … Continue reading

First Couch Surfing Host / D.C

First Couch Surfing Host / D.C

We left North Carolina where my twin sister and her family lives. It was hard to drive away. It took me a few hours to let the sinking feeling in my heart to float on out. I knew I wasn’t leaving them forever. I knew in my heart that this is scary, and that I … Continue reading